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Taking Charge with Dr. Ann Vertel

Turn your expertise into a successful work from home business, while honoring your values of God, family, and country.

Dr. Ann Vertel, is an entrepreneur, business psychologist, 20-year Naval Officer, and the Founder of American Women In Business™, the premier work at home coaching and training program for women who value faith, family, and freedom. Learn more at

May 11, 2017

To be more empathetic and get their clients to open up and talk about issues that are painful, scary, or deeply personal, counselors use a powerful tool called a "reflection of feeling." This episode explains how to use this tool in seeking first to understand so you can better understand other people.

May 5, 2017

Questions, particularly the wrong questions, can put people on the defensive. We ask questions because we want information, which means the other person is in a vulnerable spot.

One of the most effective types of questions is actually a statement used by counselors called “descriptive feedback” - using this...