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Taking Charge with Dr. Ann Vertel

Turn your expertise into a successful work from home business, while honoring your values of God, family, and country.

Dr. Ann Vertel, is an entrepreneur, business psychologist, 20-year Naval Officer, and the Founder of American Women In Business™, the premier work at home coaching and training program for women who value faith, family, and freedom. Learn more at

Feb 8, 2018

If you've ever had one of those days where you just can't seem to concentrate and everything seems like a distraction, this episode on how to focus is for you. You'll learn how a weightlifting concept called "time under tension" can be applied to the practice of concentrated focus, letting you focus your mind and be...

Feb 1, 2018

This episode explains the true nature of authenticity, the "meaning of genuine" and how being fearlessly authentic can help make you more successful. Discover how your success is related to vulnerability and why learning to truly connect can make you a better leader.